You can add an extra child’s bed to your van for the price of £12.50. The boys have installed the infrastructure for a child cab bunk in Barbarossa, Battenberg, Ordell, Uma, Shiny Norma, Nice Guy Eddie, Max Cherry, I am Spartacus and Wolverine. So if you fancy it, let us know and we can provide a child cab bunk for your hire. The child cab bunk is a canvas hammock that hangs over the driver and front passenger seats and is suitable for a child from about 3 to 7 years old. Once they are in it, with the curtains drawn and the doors closed, it feels all warm, snuggy and safe up there! So if there are 5 of you and you fancy one of our 4 berth vans or 3 of you with your eye on a Splitscreen, we can magically add an extra berth. Isn’t that clever!