Optional Extras

Add a little something to your trip

Add extras to your van

Optional Extras Cost
Roll-out Canopy (Not Available on F-62) Recommended £30.00
Vango Cairn Drive Away Awning £35.00
European Travel Charge Per Day (Not available for classic campervans) £15.00
Dogs (Per Hire not Per Pet, Max 2 Dogs) £35.00
Bike Rack (Not availiable on Rufis or Marvin) £35.00
Bedding Pack (2 Pillows, 1 x Double Duvet 1 x Double Sheet) £30.00
Bath Towels (2 to hire) £10.00
Camping Chairs no charge
Outdoor Parking Per Hire no charge
Secure Indoor Parking per hire £10.00
Saturday Collection Surcharge £25.00
Sunday Collection Surcharge £50.00
Insurance Cost
Extra Driver (1st Driver Free) £7.00 a day
Points on Drivers' License £5.00 a day
Driver Below 25 Years of Age Must be Over 21 on First Day of Hire £7.00 a day
Foreign License Loading (Any Non-UK Licence) £5.00 a day
No Collision Damage Reducer (Excess £1200.00) no charge
Collision Damage Reducer (Reduces the Excess from £1200 to £350) £15.00 a day

If you would like more information on any of the above extras, please do contact us, we would love to hear from you on 01837 659599 or [email protected].

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